10 Surprising Benefits of Poker


A game that involves bluffing, betting, and analyzing other players’ tells, poker is one of the most exciting card games around. But did you know that it can actually have some unexpected benefits for your mental and physical health? In this article, we’ll take a look at 10 surprising benefits of poker that you might not expect.

1. Improves hand-eye coordination

The action of playing poker will have you constantly moving your chips and cards around. This will strengthen your hands and fingers, making them more adept at handling other manual tasks. The hand-eye coordination skills that poker requires are also helpful in other areas of life, including work and home.

2. Learn to read people

Poker is a social game, and reading other players is a key component of the game. This is something that can be very useful in the real world and will help you to better understand your friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers. In addition, learning to read people in poker will help you make more informed decisions when it comes to dealing with other people.

3. Develop a sense of timing

A big part of poker is making quick decisions. This is especially important when you’re at a table with a lot of money on the line. Developing a sense of timing will allow you to act quickly and effectively, which will ultimately lead to more profits for you in the long run.

4. Develop a sense of self-control

Poker is a game of chance, but it also has a fair amount of skill involved. As a result, it can be very easy to get carried away with the game and lose a lot of money. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to prevent this from happening. For example, you should always play with money that you’re comfortable losing and only increase your bankroll when you’re sure you can afford it.

5. Develop a sense of risk assessment

The game of poker is all about assessing risks and making smart decisions. In order to do this, you’ll need to have a solid understanding of probability and game theory. The game of poker will help you to do this by teaching you how to assess your own chances of winning or losing a hand. It’s also a great way to learn how to properly evaluate risks in business and other areas of your life.

6. Develop a good poker face

The last thing you want to do in a poker game is give your opponents any clues that you’re bluffing. This is why it’s so important to have a good poker face, and practice it often. Also, you should never be afraid to use your poker face as a tool for generating extra value for yourself. For example, if you have a strong value hand, it’s always worth trying to raise your opponent’s bets when they’re calling. This will increase your winnings and improve your poker face.